Tuesday, January 6, 2009

interesting animals!

yo guys!!

do you guys watch mythbusters on okto every tue 10p.m? its a show busting all the myths people made on the net.. found this bust interesting.. haha

"do elephant really scare of mice??"

another interesting discovery on the net... do you guys know that that is a goat species that when you scare them, they will "faint".. people give them names such as the "fainting goats", "nervous goat", "stiff legs goats" etc etc...

actually they are called the "Tennessee fainting goats", that have a hereditary genetic disorder called myotonia congenita, it will cause the goat's muscle to become stiff when startled and fall over... but the stiffness usually will recover in a few secs...

but it gets a bit nasty when they scare them over and over again...

yozii hopping off...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

HaPpY NeW YeAr!!! ^^v

happi 2009!!! YAHOO!!!

for this brand new year... you guys had any new year wishes?? ^^

haha.. for me i wish that

- all of my frens and family will be in good health, blessed with happiness and all of their dreams come true..! ^^
- to be able to get a decent result for my diploma!! ^^
- had enough money to buy a drum set from yamaha!! wahaha..
- had a bicycle (yipee!! joyce they all are getting one for me as birthday present!! ^^)
- to win the grand money for big sweep!! hee...

yozii... haha...